Saturday, February 26, 2011

Photo Tour

Everyone seems to be enjoying photos more than anything else. So, for your viewing pleasure, here is a photo tour of my living quarters and the library I have frequented a lot this past week.

Right: Michael's house and car park. Left: My "apartment."

My apartment. During the day, everyone opens their door and hangs a sheer cloth in the doorway.

Inside my apartment. This is it. Bed, bedside stool, mosquito net, folding/camping chair and my luggage.

The bathroom.

The toilet. For the life of me, I have not been able to get the latch on this door to Nelly has been holding it shut for me almost every time! That must be fun for her...

The shower. There is a hole, about 2 inches in diameter in the back, right corner that works as a drain. I bring about a gallon of water in a bucket in with me. The latch on this door works :)

The library: "District Information and Documentation," basically, all of the known archives concerning the Pokot. I even found a copy of a University of Minnesota student's dissertation from 1988!

Me cooking onions for spaghetti sauce. Michael requested that I make some American food for his family to try. Unfortunately, I decided to buy some tomato sauce at the Kitale market...that stuff is like a gel-like French salad dressing. Too bad. I did redeem myself this morning by making oatmeal with cinnamon, sugar, and raisins. That was a hit!

Fun fact: the item I have used the most from my first aid kit is Hydrocortisone. One day, I bumped a cactus; another day, I developed a small rash on my hand; and on another, I had a small pustule that itched on the top of my foot.


  1. Just don't fall into that hole....Nelly may have to tie a rope around your foot before letting you go in there!

    Your praying Mom

  2. an awful way to poop through life

  3. Regarding the size of the toilet. The hole is about 4 inches wide and 8 inches long. It would take a lot of effort for me to fall in, like, with a sledge hammer :)
